Thursday, December 29, 2011

Count down to Europe!

Oh! I just could not wait to start blogging about travel again. There is something exhilarating, calming and surreal about visiting another culture unlike your own. The excitement increases, building on its self with every passing moment. Then the day arrives. And it seems as long as you have been waiting for it to come it passes in a twinkling, in the blink of an eye.

This is precisely why counting down becomes so important. As you mark each day off the calendar, you learn something new and add intrigue to your journey. It also allows one to prepare more aptly for the voyage, for as one learns more about a place, they feel more comfortable with that place and the trip can be even that much more enjoyable.

So without much more ado about nothing, let’s count down to Europe! As we do, learn why we chose Europe as our next vacation destination and learn all sorts of fun facts about the individual places we are going to see.  As you know by now, I love a good history lesson and I love to eat, so there will definitely be some chats about that along the way. Most especially, I am anxious and very curious to find out whether this expedition will run as smoothly as our last. I think it will be extremely hard to top India with its elephants, sarees and the Taj Mahal. I am going to have a fascinating, exciting, not to mention entertaining time finding out.

Amendment: In Farewell to India I revealed where in the world we were going next. Europe was the answer. Italy, Turkey and Greece were the highlights on our original itinerary. But, we have since modified that list opting to go to Italy, Spain and France instead. The former itinerary did not leave us enough time to see some of the sites we wanted to explore and the duration was shorter (7 days) not allowing us much time for much needed rest and relaxation. This trip is a bit longer (10 days) and should give us all the time we need to explore, eat, sleep and do whatever else it is we would like to do while there.

The flight will still be long (11 hours) but not as long as the India flight. Now that we are expert long distance flyers, it should be a breeze. My only trepidation…I may not be able to pack quite as “light” as I normally do given the extended duration. I may have to actually check a bag, EEK!

The clocking is now ticking. Check off the days with us…5 months left to go. EUROPE HERE WE COME!

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